Monday, January 11, 2010

Decluttering- weekend results

I had planned on going through all of the kids' toys and books this weekend. I didn't realize what a big chore it turned out to be! I managed to go through the boys' bedrooms and with their help, decluttered their toys and books. My younger two sons had no problem parting with many toys no one uses, books no one reads, they even cleaned out their "special" drawers. Each boy has a drawer in their nightstands that they like to keep little knick knacks and other things they feel are very special to them. My oldest son didn't part with very much at all. In fact he insisted on keeping his valentine's that he got in kindergarten (he is now in 3rd grade!). Oh well, he must take after me. Anyways, I did get three bags to donate to the daycare, a bag for the salvation army, a bag to toss, and a few things to tuck away in their baby boxes. It definitely took more time than I imagined and what with our regular weekend chores, I never got to the toy box in our family room. I figured I have a whole year for this decluttering plan, so waiting until next weekend is no big deal. So, new plan, next week I will tackle the toy box in the family room and the basement shelves the weekend after that.

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